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    'The Gamechangers' As Told By Twitter Users

    "GTA V looked better than that" according to @FreddyBinYusuf. (NSFW language)

    Before we continue... SPOILER ALERT!

    To start off, something positive...

    Via Twitter: @WH04LOW

    Some, particularly older audience, liked it...

    So all the cool gaming people thought #gamechangers was rubbish. I liked it. I guess that's bad news for BBC2 & bad news for me. I'm old.

    Via Twitter: @Jonesthejourno

    ...unless you're the dad who wrote the script...

    #gamechangers is one of the worst things to ever go on TV. It's like it was written by someone's dad. Someone's 60 year old dad

    Via Twitter: @ruitiago69

    One compared it to an episode of 'Father Ted' in 1996...

    So far the ACTUAL crunch montage is reminding me of fathers Dougal & Ted trying to write their Eurovision entry #gamechangers

    Via Twitter: @flackboy

    And before you asked, the episode in question 'A Song for Europe' is available on All 4 at the moment (if you're in the UK that is).

    ...or even comparing it to a crime drama franchise...

    Oh dear #GameChangers is awful. The subject matter could've genuinely been interesting but this script has more exposition than CSI

    Via Twitter: @TestEditPlay

    Some were more LOL...

    Well. That was laughable. #gamechangers

    Via Twitter: @cawhitworth

    ...particularly the sarcasm...

    I bet @RockstarGames are loving this programme! #gamechangers #bbc2

    Via Twitter: @bazsharp

    Some wishes they would play the actual game...

    Watching #Gamechangers just makes me want to play #GTA

    Via Twitter: @TheMartinClark

    One compare Daniel Radcliffe's portrayal to the newly elected leader of the Labour Party...

    Just been watching #gamechangers - a bearded Daniel Radcliffe, presumably playing a young Jeremy Corbyn! (But seriously, it was great).

    Via Twitter: @simonjward

    ...even by his facial hair...

    The evil lawyers are about as convincing as Radcliffe's beard #gamechangers

    Via Twitter: @Rawsty

    ...another compared him to a character on Grand Theft Auto V...

    Ironically, my version of Trevor Phillips looks just like Daniel Radcliffe does in this... #gamechangers

    Via Twitter: @ichigokuto

    (Even though it was about 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas')

    Some are surprised about the star of the Harry Potter movies is starring in the TV movie...

    Can't believe Harry Potter was the man behind Grand Theft Auto #gamechangers

    Via Twitter: @IggyMarlon

    Some felt it was not the BBC's best...

    Come on @bbc. #gamechangers was awful. You're better than this...

    Via Twitter: @benjackwhite

    ...especially the cast...

    I really had high hopes for this (Radcliffe, Paxton, subject matter, etc...), but it's frankly terrible. #gamechangers

    Via Twitter: @dfoy79

    One felt it was more 720p than 1080p...

    erm GTA V looks better than that #gamechangers

    Via Twitter: @FreddyBinYusuf

    One felt an Oscar nominated film is better...

    #gamechangers was just a poor version of The Social Network

    Via Twitter: @alfredjoyner

    ...if it was for a sketch show on Comedy Central...

    This would work as a 3 minute sketch parody of the Social Network. #gamechangers

    Via Twitter: @Bizunth

    ...even by using footage from the archive...

    #gamechangers a total social network wannabe. Fine on the TV budget, but then they dropped the montage #bbc2

    Via Twitter: @pekay

    Many felt it was unbalanced...

    Found #gamechangers fairly biased, showed the video game industry in a bad light

    Via Twitter: @jalex36

    ...even by gamers...

    Seen enough of this ill-balanced, tired piece of propaganda broadcast on the BBC. Switch off. #GamersUnite #gamechangers

    Via Twitter: @ShrimperMax

    ...maybe lacking in Scottish talent...

    Also, why aren't there any Scottish people in this? Am I missing something? #Gamechangers

    Via Twitter: @Kerry_Dyer

    ...let alone the accents...

    The accents! Jesus Christ, the terrible accents! #GameChangers

    Via Twitter: @ianrmatt

    Some felt the docudrama was not written by people who play video games...

    #gamechangers Was this written by cavemen? Becuase whoever wrote it has never played a video game before or has even met anyone that has.

    Via Twitter: @DeathsquadAlba

    ...even the portrayal of the lawyer who was against violent video games...

    this is a seriously one-sided documentary whatever you think about violent games Jack Thompson was not the good guy #GameChangers

    Via Twitter: @JonnBlanchard

    ...even by gamers...

    .@BBC Interesting viewing but, as a gamer, I'm not convinced it was entirely neutral. Rockstar's lack of consent says as much #gamechangers

    Via Twitter: @The_Num

    ...and blaming the BBC for disrespect for the gaming industry...

    I find @bbc your #gamechangers portrayal of @RockstarGames offensive and distasteful. It shows a distinct lack of respect for the industry.

    Via Twitter: @Nihilistic_Geek

    (Even though it was part of the 'Make it Digital' season)

    ...and the gaming industry themselves have no words...

    Number of positive comments from the games industry folks on twitter = 0 #gamechangers

    Via Twitter: @FreddyBinYusuf

    Some question its accuracy...

    Well BBC 2's #gamechangers was certainly interesting. But just how much of that was real??

    Via Twitter: @TheCynicalSoul

    One tweet highlight the slating of violent gaming...

    This #Gamechangers is a bit #nadsville but it does highlight the disturbing trend of Christians having to ruin everything.

    Via Twitter: @Midgetgems26

    Some imagined if The Gamechangers was on another network, Channel 5...

    If channel 5 showed that, there would be half an hour of disclaimers #gamechangers

    Via Twitter: @mrsoze72

    Some compare it to biggest commercial network, ITV...

    #GameChangers Why has the #BBC resorted to sensualisation? It's a similar experience to watching #ITV What's the world coming to? :D

    Via Twitter: @badbud65

    While one imagined if Channel 4's soap opera made it...

    If the production team behind Hollyoaks tried to make The Social Network it would have come out like #gamechangers #turd

    Via Twitter: @spentonian

    ...some felt one of SyFy's popular made-for-TV movies had a better script...

    The quality of #gamechangers makes me forget watching BBC2 and not the SciFi channel. Tara Reid and Sharknado got better dialogue 😄

    Via Twitter: @Nexus1974

    Pretty much what this user sums up.

    This #gamechangers movie is so poor. The story of the making of #GrandTheftAuto is dull. Dull.

    Via Twitter: @milly09

    The final word on 'The Gamechangers', The developers of Grand Theft Auto themselves.

    @BBC Was Basil Brush busy? What exactly is this random, made up bollocks?

    Via Twitter: @RockstarGames

    'The Gamechangers' was broadcast on the very day Rockstar Editor arrives on Grand Theft Auto V on consoles. Rockstar did not contributed to 'The Gamechangers' by the way.