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    The Top 21 Ships, And Top 2 OTPs (In Order From Worst To Best)

    In order, here are the "okayish" ships to the "AAAAHHHHH SOOO GOOOD" ships. At the end there are the two BEST OTPs. (Mild spoilers)

    21. Katniss and Peeta -- (The Hunger Games)

    20. Han and Leia -- (Star Wars)

    19. Glenn and Maggie -- (The Walking Dead)

    18. Wash and Zoë -- (Firefly)

    17. John and Mary -- (Sherlock)

    16. Mary and Matthew -- (Downton Abbey)

    15. Hellboy and Liz -- (Hellboy)

    14. Rory and Logan -- (Gilmore Girls)

    13. Sherlock and Molly -- (Sherlock)

    12. April and Andy -- (Parks and Recreation)

    11. Luna and Neville -- (Harry Potter)

    10. Benjamin Linus and The Island -- (LOST)

    9. Dr. Horrible (Billy) and Penny -- (Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog)

    8. Sawyer and Juliet -- (LOST)

    7. Willow and Oz -- (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)

    6. Xander and Anya -- (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)

    5. Charlie and Claire -- (LOST)

    4. Willow and Tara -- (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)

    3. Leslie and Ben -- (Parks and Recreation)

    2. Amy and Rory -- (Doctor Who)

    1. Buffy and Angel -- (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)

    My OTPs:

    Wesley and Winifred (Fred) -- (Angel)

    Topher and Bennett -- (Dollhouse)