MTV's "Girl Code" Wants Everyone To Get HIV Tested

    World AIDS Day is coming up, and these funny ladies are going to get serious for a minute.

    The ladies of MTV's Girl Code want you to GYT —"Get Yourself Tested"— for HIV and other STDs.

    It's estimated that as many as one in two sexually active young adults will contract an STD by age 25 - and most won't know it.

    So, although there are a lot of ways to find answers...

    ... there is only one way to know for sure.

    Tell em' girls:

    Tanisha Long: "If you're grown up enough to have sex then you're grown up enough to get tested! It's your responsibility to yourself and your sexual partners!"

    Jessimae Peluso: "Getting yourself tested is more important than getting yourself shoes. Your health comes first, the shoes can wait."

    Carly Aquilino: "Get tested, its one less awkward conversation you need to have on a first date and just make sure you know his status too."

    Not getting tested? Not good.

    Knowing your status? Excellent.

    That's girl code.

    Learn more about the campaign and find a testing center near you right here.