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    18 Ways You Know Someone Is From Florida

    Old People, Oranges and Gators. We have it all.

    1. They will wear flipflops every single day, to every event and on any occasion

    2. They know all the seasons as hot and sweaty season, snow bird season, love bug season, hurricane season and still hot and sweaty season

    3. Any temperature below 75 causes them to hibernate for winter and wear everything they own

    4. Tan Lines, tan lines everywhere

    5. Every cup in their home will be a tervis

    6. They probably own a boat and see it as no big deal

    7. They've probably never seen snow

    8. And as a result of that the only thing in their closet is bathing suits

    9. Anything below a category 4 hurricane doesn't bother them

    10. They will instead invite you to their hurricane party

    11. They're used to hearing about how the rest of the world views Florida and they're no longer phased by it

    12. They can't handle any form of hill, or anything that's high up in general

    13. Alligators?snakes? egh whatever

    14. They probably have annual passes to Disney or Universal, or both

    15. They hate tourists, all of them, especially the tour groups

    16. They always talk about the magical Publix, the only grocery store you want to shop at

    17. They will probably drive 80 in a 45

    18. Wherever you take them, they will declare their beach at home is nicer