Student Campaign Insists "Oxford Is An Inclusive Place" Following Diversity Row

    Is Oxford University a welcoming place for black and ethnic minority students? Two campaigns tell very different stories.

    Last week, BuzzFeed reported on the 'I, Too, Am Oxford' campaign, which saw black and ethnic minority students at Oxford University sharing their experiences.

    A number of people interviewed for the project reported incidents of bigotry and insensitivity from their fellow students.

    Now, other Oxford students have launched a counter-campaign called 'We Are All Oxford'. They believe "Oxford has been misrepresented in the media".

    The coordinator, Alexandra Jaye Wilson, told BuzzFeed she was concerned the 'I, Too, Am Oxford' campaign’s "negative portrayal of an ethnic minority’s experience at the university will discourage prospective ethnic minority students from applying."

    Wilson felt that the "I, too, am Oxford" initiative painted a misleading picture of a "prejudice and elitist university" [sic].

    The students were concerned the initial campaign might discourage black and ethnic minority students from applying to the university and say they want to provide a broader context.

    The students wanted to show Oxford can be a very welcoming environment, regardless of where you're from.

    The photographer says the students are not "in competition" with the original initiative.

    But their Facebook page describes it as "a response to the campaign I Too Am Oxford".

    Sukh Singh said he got involved because he fundamentally disagreed with assertions made by the 'I, Too, Am Oxford campaign'.

    Many have already come out against the campaign.

    This is sickening. Why aren't minorities allowed to just share their experience? Why are we always shouted down?

    Smh @ the POCs in We Are All Oxford undermining #itooamoxford. Not having experienced something doesn't make others experiences less real.

    The former Women's Officer for Wadham College, Oxford said:

    The NUS Black Students' Officer told BuzzFeed that the 'We Are All Oxford' campaign "diminishes the experiences of their classmates".

    Another Tumblr account, 'We Are All Awful' has emerged, which claims to be a "concise description of what's wrong with 'We Are All Oxford'."

    The organisers behind the 'I, Too, Am Oxford' campaign showed concern when Wilson initially suggested an alternative campaign.

    The official Oxford University Student Union has come under fire from students after publicly endorsing the project on its social media accounts.

    Some great stuff from 'We Are All Oxford'

    Oxford alumnus Ché Bee said the students' union needed to look at "why there exists such racism at the university".

    Sarah St. John said the 'We Are All Oxford' campaign "sends a message to BME [black and ethnic minority] students that issues of racism will be dismissed at Oxford."

    And one student at Christ Church college asked why the students' union didn't publicise the first campaign.

    Which may or may not have led to this.

    The official Facebook account now says that the students' union supports both campaigns.