25 Reasons Why Winter In Australia Sucks

    Enduring winter while the northern hemisphere bakes #AustralianProblems.

    1. Winter in Australia is horrific.

    2. Seriously horrific.

    3. Basically three months of hell.


    5. Winter mornings are the worst.

    6. It's hardly worth getting out of bed.

    7. Yep, stay in bed.

    8. Because when the sun is up, there's nothing to do.

    9. It's far too cold for swimming.

    10. See.

    11. Ugh.

    12. Hellish.

    13. There's basically nothing to do...

    14. ...except kill time...

    15. ...and wait for summer.

    16. Still, at least the beaches are empty.

    17. 10,000 empty beaches.

    18. Well, almost empty.

    19. Seriously, it's winter, why would you want to go to the beach?

    20. Nope. Nothing to see here until spring.

    21. So there we have it. Winter in Australia is hellish.

    22. Three months of misery.

    23. With basically nothing worth going outdoors for.

    24. Not even the sunsets.

    25. See? Rubbish.

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