A Rare Cloud Dazzled Victoria And People Thought It Was The Rapture

    Fallstreak Hole cloud formation baffles Wonthaggi, south-east of Melbourne.

    Victorians were dazzled by a rare cloud known as a Fallstreak Hole today.

    Locals were a little confused.

    What's going on over Wonthaggi?

    Some saw the cloud's appearance as a sign the Rapture had arrived.

    Rapture's here, folks. RT @3AW693 Some weird rainbow/cloud action going on in Wonthaggi right now.

    However, according to the Cloud Appreciation Society, the Fallstreak Hole formation appears when a cloud's water droplets freeze into ice crystals which grow large enough to fall below the cloud layer.

    Victorians have been treated to a rare cloud known as a Fallstreak Hole. More pics here: http://t.co/gqyVnKv8gE

    According to research published in Science magazine, an aircraft flying through the cloud can set off the unusual freezing process.

    Wonthaggi's #weirdrainbow from a different angle, thanks to listener Jarrod.

    So, no Rapture this time folks ;-)

    @VanessaOHanlon unusual cloud formation over Yarragon, VIC this afternoon.