Australia’s Most Dangerous Creature Will Surprise You

    Shark? Snake? No contest. Meet the most lethal predator menacing Australia.

    Australia is home to Earth’s deadliest snakes and spiders. So what’s the most fearsome critter?

    Red Back Spider?

    Great White Shark?

    Inland Taipan?

    No contest. This is Australia’s most lethal predator.

    The Original Angry Bird.

    See? Vicious.

    Always on the hunt for unprotected flesh.

    So dangerous that people drive to the shops rather than risk their wrath.

    Hide in their homes until they are gone.

    Or wear cycle helmets to combat the threat.

    Even vegans are in danger.

    View this video on YouTube

    Vicious. Evil. B*stards.

    Do. Not. Stop.

    Watch out for warning signs.

    You'll see them in every city.

    No one is safe.

    Do. Not. Eat. In. Their. Presence.

    For the love of God, do not feed them!

    Surrender your beer.

    Surrender your food...

    ..and your pet's food.

    Watch the skies!

    If all else fails, attach a steel nut to a piece of string.

    Actually, don't do that. Despite all the aggro, magpies are still our mates. And sometimes (particularly in a heatwave) we're all they've got.