29 Hidden Faces With Something Profoundly Important To Say

    Admit it, you see a face right? Faces in Things.

    1. "Well, HELLO THERE!"

    You could not be as happy as this house is

    2. "Just close the door, walk away and forget what you just saw."

    3. "Fess up, who farted?"

    This pallet of boxes look like they're up to something

    4. "Just let me dance in public, once. Please!"

    5. "Yeah, I work out. What of it?"

    6. "I see small things. It makes me happy."

    7. "So, fancy going out for date sometime?"

    8. "This may hurt just a little bit..."

    Proof that exercise machines are evil

    9. "Anyone seen Captain Ahab?"

    10. "That makes me sad. So sad."

    This faucet can't believe what it just saw

    11. "Too Wit Too Woo."

    12. "So my tongue piercing is a little grandiose. Whatever."

    This guy looks like he's had a rough life.

    13. “Life's not about how hard of a hit you can give. It's about how many you can take, and still keep moving forward.”

    14. "Don't think I can't see you..."

    15. "You expected Martians to come in spaceships? Fool."

    16. "This concentrating hurts my eyes."

    Back of computer speakers don't want this job anymore

    17. "All I wanted was to break your walls."

    18. "You know mushrooms get you high right?"

    19. "Kids these days. Drive me MAD."

    20. "You're cracking me up with your crappy jokes."

    This bathroom pipe burst. He's being kind of a jerk about it

    21. "The club can't even handle me right now."

    22. "OMG! Did you see that guy's hair?!"

    This building is shocked at what it sees

    23. "Why do you have to be a heartbreaker?"

    24. "She said WHAT?!"

    25. "You've been a very naughty boy, haven't you?"

    26. "Thousands of years I've been here. The things I've seen..."

    27. "What can I say? I'm a cheesy kind of guy."

    This guy looks like he's feeling grate!

    28. "Anyone seen "Sulley" Sullivan?"

    This ice scraper went to Monsters University

    29. "It might seem crazy what I'm about to say."