13 Bollywood Moments That Changed The Face Of Swimwear In India

    Breaking the myth that a woman’s pride lies in what she covers, Bollywood actresses have been using swimwear to celebrate their freedom and sexiness for decades.

    1. The beginning.

    2. The conservative.

    3. The revolutionary.

    4. The bold.

    5. The sexy.

    6. The natural.

    7. The seductress.

    8. The cabaret queen.

    9. The modernist.

    10. The pageant divas.

    11. The size zero.

    12. The provocative male.

    13. The new normal.

    With almost every actress donning a bikini at some point or another, two-pieces have become the Bollywood norm and lot has been written about the diet and fitness regimes the stars observe to keep donning them. While we've come a long way from the "modest" (i.e. oppressive) fashions of yesteryear, Bollywood still has a ways to go before it inclusively represents the wide swath of body types that make up its audience. (With a few exceptions, Bollywood's leading ladies are still "tall, thin, fair" like a classifieds shaadi listing would demand.) Your move, B'wood.

    The author of this post is founder and editor of Styleogram.

    And the noooooope.

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