15 Kinds Of People You Meet In Film Class

    "Pain is cinema. Cinema is pain."

    1. The person who decided to major in film studies because, "it's easy."

    2. The goal-driven filmmaker who thinks that theory classes are a waste of time.

    3. The person who knows everything about every decade of cinema.

    4. The stoner who can't seem to remember any cinematic vocabulary.

    5. The super serious person who has never actually cracked a smile.

    6. The frat guy who needed an elective.

    7. The "muncher" who disrupts the entire lecture by eating the crunchiest food.

    8. The person who's majoring in acting and hopes to rub shoulders with major directors.

    9. The only black person in the class who everyone turns to whenever a black film is shown in lecture.

    10. The person who calls The Graduate "too commercial."

    11. The overachiever who laughs at every joke the professor makes.

    12. The TA who hates their job.

    13. The TA who loves their job.

    14. The person who claims to be an expert on composition, lighting, and basically everything technical.

    15. The film snob who thinks foreign films are the only kind of good films.

    And you, who are friends with all these crazy people.