It's Time To Be Honest And Realize That Iced Coffee Is Disgusting

    Oh, you want some watered-down cold "coffee" that basically tastes like milk? Go ahead.

    Let's just rip the Band-Aid right off: Iced coffee is fucking gross.

    WHY would you ever take something as beautiful as this...

    ... and turn it into this horrifying mess of a drink?

    WHY would you take a steaming hot cup of coffee, full of warmth and desire, of taste and love...

    ... and put it over ICE?


    Say the words, "I'd like an ICED coffee, please." It's simply UNNATURAL.

    What about cold brew? What the fuck about cold brew?

    Oh, what's that? You want something cold to drink? It's called WATER.

    "But it's so hot outside," they say. "You have to drink iced coffee when it's hot."

    Too often, hot coffee drinkers are made to feel inferior. As if hot coffee doesn't make sense.


    It is sick yuk belive me OK?

    Look at how fucking precious this is. LOOK.

    And what does Holly Golightly drink?

    Everything about this. YAS.

    In conclusion, say no to this pathetic attempt at coffee.

    But coffee — no adjective needed — YAAAS!!!!!