17 Things Confident Plus-Size Women Have To Deal With

    Why yes, I do love my body.

    1. You wear whatever the hell you want because no one tells you what you can "pull off."

    2. (But finding cute clothes in your size can be a serious battle.)

    3. When you say the word "plus-size" people around you automatically say, "You're not fat — you're beautiful!" But, like, you already knew that.

    4. People get confused if you aren't currently on a diet.

    5. And they also expect you to apologize for whatever you're eating.

    6. Dating can be a bitch because society has pretty much conditioned people to find your body unsexy.

    7. Oh, and then people are surprised if you're dating someone who happens to be thinner than you.

    8. Also, possible hookups sometimes say, "I'm not normally into women like you but you're pretty/nice/funny/sexy so I'll make an exception" as if it's some kind of freakin' compliment.

    9. In pop culture, you're basically the sassy BFF.

    10. People don't understand that you might want to workout to maintain your size instead of trying to drop one.

    11. Straight up, people just don't get how you could be so confident with yourself.

    12. They want you to hide.

    13. They want you to hate yourself.

    14. You're an enigma.

    15. And people will use your confidence to accuse you of promoting obesity.

    16. When all you want to do is be yourself.

    17. But it's fine because in the end you've got swagger...


    ...and no time for anyone's bullshit.

    Bye, haters!