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    19 Things You Should Know About The 1975

    Not pictured: They're an alternative/indie rock band from Manchester (Oasis, anyone?), and you should definitely know about them.

    You probably know them from their song, "Chocolate".

    1. They've been together for more than ten years.

    2. They have a thing about black and white color schemes.

    More black.

    So much black.

    3. They look hella fine in color, too.

    Hella. Fine.

    4. They're totally wise.

    5. They know how to make a statement.

    6. Matty Healy is the lead singer.

    He's totally deep.

    His bitchface is better than yours.

    Plot twist: he's adorable.

    And hilarious.

    7. George Daniel plays drums for the band and does most of the mixing.



    Bonus: He's 6 foot 5.

    8. He and Matty are total BFFs.

    They can totally rock out together.

    So much bromance.

    In fact, I ship all of them.

    9. The boys can color, y'all.

    10. They appreciate irony.

    11. They're also self-aware.

    12. Adam Hann plays guitar alongside Matty.

    13. Ross MacDonald is the bassist.

    He's got this majestic beard.

    14. Hann and MacDonald are also bros.


    15. The whole band has some serious hair game.

    16. The band is inspired mostly by 80's pop.

    17. They are SUPER devoted to their music.

    18. They don't like being confined to one genre.

    19. All in all, they're talented musicians and definitely worth a listen.