These 23-Year-Old Twins Are Out To Inspire Girls In India By Climbing The World's Highest Mountains

    Tashi and Nungshi Malik just became the youngest people to ever complete the Explorers Grand Slam – making it to the North Pole, the South Pole AND the highest peak on every continent.

    Tashi and Nungshi Malik are two incredibly talented mountaineers from India.

    The reason you need to know about them is because they just became the youngest women EVER, and the first siblings to achieve the Explorers Grand Slam.

    The Explorers Grand Slam is completed when one scales the highest peak of every continent, as well as reaches the North Pole & South Pole.

    Yes, that includes Mount Everest as well.

    And the real kicker? They're all of 23 years old!

    BuzzFeed India caught up with the twins over e-mail to talk about their feelings after completing the Explorers Grand Slam.

    BF India: What were the first emotions you experienced when you finally completed your journey?

    BF India: What in your opinion were the biggest obstacles you faced during these trips?

    BF India: What's next on the card for you, now that you've achieved the Grand Slam?

    You go, girls!

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