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    Goodbye, Little Intern

    Hope you learned some stuff.

    We hired you because you seemed like a good fit for the office.

    I know you had a little time on your hands at first.

    But at least you didn't have to do the typical Washington Intern stuff.

    We did our best to prepare you for the real world.

    You found out that some days you just can’t make the client happy.

    You got to read facebook political comments on the reg.

    And learned that people are fundamentally good.

    And in the process, probably learned the true meaning of self-control.

    Hopefully you got some real “D.C.” experiences.

    Like finding out the true meaning of “cost of living.”

    Seeing a political celebrity…

    ...Although it’s not always a very pretty sight.

    Taking a cab...

    ...or the metro when they're single-tracking.

    It's been a good 10 weeks. We laughed...

    …and we accidentally made our co-worker cry.

    It was hard when we realized you were leaving us so soon.

    Because you did a great job.

    Now we really have to get going on finding someone new.

    So farewell, little intern!