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    Search: Bigfoot Encounter Caught On Video In Ohio

    Have you seen Bigfoot? Learn how to submit a report. BFRO report form Check out this link bigfoot patterson http://tiagopsc.altervista

    Report Bigfoot Sighting, A new video with footage of what some viewers are calling Bigfoot has surfaced online and has inspired researchers to head into an Ohio forest to see if there’s more evidence. Although the video – titled “Bigfoot in Ohio clear video of the creature 2012″ – was published on YouTube in April, it has only started to gain attention around the Internet. As of Thursday afternoon there were fewer than 100,000 views on the video site, although it was been embedded onto other pages.

    Unfortunately, the video is only 38 seconds and viewers get only a peek at what looks like an apelike creature walking across a path in the woods. The camera is presumably filming from the front of a moving vehicle and when “Bigfoot” comes into view, the driver quickly turns around and drives away. The hairy beast picks up speed and runs off into the woods when it’s clear it isn’t alone.

    The video was published by the YouTube user HowTo101Channel and unfortunately there isn’t much information provided. The quick About section says only, “Looking for UFO’s, Bigfoot, Paranormal activity Current events a rick roll or two lol.”

    That description hardly seems to be written by a scientist and the credibility comes even further into question when looking at the other videos the user has posted. There are multiple other videos on the page that purport to depict Bigfoot but upon viewing they are clearly just friends joking around with each other.

    There’s also the question that raises: If the video is legitimate, why hasn’t the person who took it made any more information available about the sighting?
