18 Times "Toast Of London" Was Delightfully Weird And Wonderful

    Ray "Bloody" Purchase.

    1. When Toast narrated a documentary about bees.

    2. When we met this new character.

    3. When they found the new BBC Television Centre.

    4. Whenever Ray Purchase says "well, well, well."

    5. When Jane Plough said this about Twitter.

    6. When Toast accidentally became a tour guide and bumped into Ray Bloody Purchase doing his own.

    And then they both had an argument like this.

    vine.co / Via Objective / Channel 4

    "Everyone in London knows that your wife is a prostitute."

    "You take that back. That is a slur. A bloody slur."

    7. When they decided to hunt for rabbits on the way to judge at the International Beauty Contest For Women.

    8. When Toast appeared on Lorraine Kelly's show.

    9. When Toast was given a new phone that contained a fire extinguisher and oxygen mask as standard.

    10. When Toast and his ex played silhouettes after sex.

    11. When Toast went to the East End of London.

    12. When Jane Plough was back on the acid.

    13. When Toast made his own version of University Challenge but Ed got really badly electrocuted.

    14. When Jane received this wonderful gift.

    15. Every time you think Toast is having sex.

    16. When he says this about Breaking Bad.

    17. And of course, this exchange every episode.