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Can You Solve These "Countdown" Conundrums?

It's the bit of the show where you start shouting at the television. Now you can shout at the internet instead.

OK before we move on you have to play this.

ITV Studios / Channel 4 / w.soundcloud.com / Via youtube.com

The first few questions are Tea Time Teasers, accompanied in each case by a clue from Nick Hewer.

1. Here's an easy one to start: "You'll probably visit two of these if you soar into the sky on your trip".

Click to reveal the answer.

Let's have a closer look at that sexy clock.

2. Here's a slightly harder one: "Write this at the bottom of a twelve inch long piece of paper."

The answer is this.

3. Here's another one from Nick: "Are these sales people good at whipping up business?"

Here's the answer.

Here's a closer look at that sexy, sexy clock.

4. Now let's make this quiz just a little bit harder: "It looks like Girltina was well behind in the race."

What was she doing? She was...

5. "Peter said goodbye to his Dad and set off."

What did Peterdad do? Well he...

6. How about whacking that music on again? OH GO ON.


7. Let's now do some conundrums, where you guess the anagram without the aid of a clue. Here's one.

The correct answer is THIS.

8. Here's another one. What is the anagram of "Scotchyip"?

That's right, it's...

Let's have a cheeky look at that flashy number board.

9. How about this one? R-I-F-L-E-D-E-C-K.

What's the answer? It's THIS.

10. And finally, how about this tough cookie?

The answer?

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