Bill Turnbull Dropped The C-Word On BBC Breakfast

    Obviously NSFW.

    Bill Turnbull accidentally dropped the c-word on BBC Breakfast this morning.

    It was during a feature about public health in which people emailed in about times they have helped identify health problems that others have experienced.

    Here is what he said:

    Lots and lots of messages about our public health story this morning… Mark, for instance, says he's been a barber for 32 years, he's spotted cancer on two customers. 'I regularly speak to clients about illness, and pass the info off to other cunts… I mean customers, as well.'

    In a tweet after the show Turnbull said this.

    Memo to self: never confuse 'customers' with 'clients' on air. It's just asking for trouble...

    The BBC has been contacted for comment.