14 Cats Engrossed In A Documentary About Cats

    This was their favourite television show of the entire year.

    So there was this documentary on ITV last night.

    That's right. A full hour about the lives of CATS.

    1. And cats around the nation just started WATCHING.

    2. Captivated.

    4. The cats are probably thinking...

    5. "Finally, a show that reflects my interests."

    my kitten is liking the show #SecretLifeofCats

    6. "Why is my twin on television?"

    7. "What the hell is going on?"

    8. Some cats got quite close to the TV.

    9. Some got just a little too close.

    10. DOWN IN FRONT.

    11. Some cats pulled up a chair.

    12. Others started attacking the screen for no reason.

    13. Their verdict of the programme?

    14. "This is the best damn show of all time."