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    29 Reasons Undergrad Was The Best Time Ever

    Leaves are turning, college game day is back and you're working 9-5. Life is tough! The masses have been polled and the results are in, here’s why nothing compared to life as an undergrad.

    1. The First Day of School: AKA Judgement Day

    2. College Game Day (without Michigan fans).

    3. Pregaming with style.

    4. Homecoming

    5. Never making it past halftime.

    6. Finding your true friends.

    7. Naps: Wherever, whenever.

    8. Free Food!

    9. Creative excuses to drink

    10. Sweatpants

    11. Halloween

    12. Not fearing public opinion

    13. Livers with Stamina

    14. Walk of Shame Sightings

    15. When going to work meant this....

    16. or this.

    17. That feeling you could do anything

    18. Thirsty Thursday

    19. Freshmen!

    20. All Nighters

    21. Tossin' the Fris

    22. When "Right of Passage" meant doing this:

    23. Summer Vacation

    24. Not paying student loans.

    25. When finals ended.

    26. Pizza at 3 am---On a Tuesday!

    27. Hangin' with pals on the reg.

    28. This about sums it up.

    29. However, there's hope for us grads yet....