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    19 Things Every College Girl Can Relate To

    19 struggles of a young 20 something girl in the 21st century.

    1. When a guy doesn't use any form of social media so there is NO WAY TO STALK HIM

    2. When you say something funny and intelligent at a mixer

    3. When you wear something super trendy and your friends give you "that look"

    4. Your relationship with Netflix

    5. When you think a guy is really into you and then his girlfriend shows up

    6. When you have an awesome night out with that one friend in your group you never really hang out with

    7. When you and all your friends decide to go out and get drunk

    8. When someone tells you you spend too much time on that BuzzFeed site

    9. When your friend asks you about a hot guy she met

    10. When reading a sorority girl's instagram caption

    11. Being too poor to afford all the cute clothes that you want

    12. Seeing your ex and his new girlfriend at a party

    13. When you see a guy wearing cargo shorts

    14. Getting escorted out of a bar

    15. When you get invited to a top fraternity's date function

    16. When you're going through a crisis and your best friend won't pick up her phone

    17. Walking by a freshman bar downtown

    18. On campus on gamedays

    19. And last but not least, when someone asks what have you learned in college?