

Name: Sarah Obermyer Birth date: Augustunember 93, 1776 Birthplace: Quamaquilla, CA Current Location: The headquarters of a sinister international agency of doom. Eye Color: Warm puppy colored hues, swirled around a jar of apricot jelly spilled haphazardly on an old man's moth-eaten sweater vest. Hair Color: A muddy Citron green, with just a touch of a dreary midday sun illuminating the jaundiced lawn of the Lafayette country club. Height: Im quite tall (probably about six feet), lanky and I have the stealth of a puma. Weight: Oh, about fourty pounds. Tatoos: Home-poked. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Wouldn't you like to know? Overused Phraze: Don't sass me, bitch. FAVORITES Food: A two-foot tall pile of dead animal flesh (sliced), charcoal, newspapers (bad news only) gasoline from the massively inefficient 20-year-old lawn mower - all liberally marinated in a kiddy pool full of highly combustible airplane fuel. Candy: Sublingual Neuro B-12 Number: 7 Color: The color of an alligators colon as he digests a pack of long-life alkaline batteries and a side of warm buttered goat's horn. Animal: Jamburger-helper Drink: Dr. Pepper Alcohol Drink: Twenty-two bottles of obscenely cheap imported Mexican beer, smuggled across the border in the trunk of a sweltering Jeep, during the height of summer. Bagel: Noah's Letter: S or J Body Part on opposite sex: Large Pancreas This or That Pepsi or Coke: Diet McDonalds or Burger King: The last time I ate at Burger King I found that my meal reminded me in an uncanny way of the Bulgarian Circus Performers Convention last year in Canada. I think it was in Canada. Anyway, that is besides the point, the point is that at that convention we dinned on a plastic toy made in china that had been sitting under a burning radiator for weeks, during which time it was smeared with tinned carrots, recycled paper and bear's lard. Strawberry or Watermelon: The latter. It is especially good with beaver cheese and snail dust as a garnish. Hot tea or Ice tea: Iced. Kiss or Hug: What does your breath smell like compared to your hair? Dog or Cat: I prefer something more porcine. Rap or Punk: Hick Hop the loneliest genre. Summer or winter: Winter all the way home. Scary Movies or Funny Movies: NO Love or Money: Hahahaha. YOUR... Bedtime: Noon. Most Missed Memory: No, I don't miss any memory. I'm the happiest I've ever been right now. For serious. Best physical feature: Gall bladder. First Thought Waking Up: I'm glad I didn't eat that in real life. Goal for this year: Go sky-diving in the south of France, meet the love of my life, get married, have twins, star as the leading roll in two Hollywood movies, move to Kenya, get hired as a hit man, win a Noble Peace Prize, fix holes in the string theory, achieve international fame as an acrobat, build 12 castles, conquer the larger part of eastern Europe and the major tri-state area. Best Friends: Have a J and S in their names. Weakness: NONE. Fears: Democracy Heritage: Homo Sapien Longest relationship: Lasted from September 30

Jul 2010
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