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21 Expectations Old Hollywood Movies Gave You About Adulthood

We can't all be Cary Grant.

1. There would be lots of drinking.

2. Lots.

3. But you would always look classy and perfectly put together, even when downing your fifth martini.

4. There would also be lots of smoking.

5. But it would be sexy.

6. And it most definitely would be a come-on.

7. You would host dinner parties and you ~may~ even solve a murder between courses.

8. Or at least get delightfully wasted.

9. Your fashion sense would bring the party to a halt.

10. Your impulsive haircut would be perfect and instantly iconic.

11. Your dancing would be flawless.

12. You would be the Ginger Rogers to your own Fred Astaire.

13. Or the Gene Kelly to your own Cyd Charisse.

14. Actually, life would be just one long dance sequence.

15. You would have casual affairs.

16. Some on cross-country train rides.

17. And others would completely change your life.

18. Cary Grant would be within your reach, essentially.

19. Everyday would be an adventure.

20. And a hare-brained scheme would be just a car ride away.

21. Overall, life would be pretty grand.