28 GIFs That Prove Dany's Eyebrows Are Their Own Character

    On fleek.

    1. When it's hot in your room so you try to open the window:

    2. When you go to a meeting right after lunch:

    3. When you are about to grab the last bag of Cool Ranch Doritos:

    4. When your boo shows up unexpectedly to your improv show:

    5. When you still have 30 minutes left of SoulCycle:

    6. When your kid gets on the bus for the first day of kindergarten:

    7. When the grocery store has all the Ben & Jerry's Cores in stock:

    8. When you finally decide what you are gonna watch on Netflix but you still mourn what could have been:

    9. When your ex shows up at the club:

    10. When you realize you wore white to a wedding:

    11. When you know you're right:

    12. When you are not impressed with the kids at your child's talent show:

    13. When the paper airplane you spent 20 minutes on just falls to the ground:

    14. When you are about to pet a puppy but at the last minute it runs away:

    15. When your cat brings you back a dead mouse:

    16. When you let out what you believed to be a silent fart:

    17. When you wake up and realize you slept past your alarm:

    18. When your mom is like, "Why haven't you called me? It's been two weeks":

    19. When you first arrive at H&M:

    20. When you're a cat and you see a laser:

    21. When some girl tries to step at you and you're like, "Bitch, please":

    22. When you go to the ATM and your balance reads $3.43:

    23. When that bike rider doesn't look like he's gonna stop:

    24. When you visit Coney Island for the first time and you're like, "This is it?":

    25. When a total bro comes over to your table and tells you you're pretty:

    26. When you're mad at your boyfriend but he brought you chicken fingers:

    27. When you come home to find vomit all over your bathroom:

    28. When you realize you were wrong to argue that "Daenerys" only has one "e":