21 Thirstiest Men Of 2015

    These Instagram men are feeling parched.

    1. Protein milkshake thirsty:

    2. Drinking out of a cute jar thirsty:

    3. French guy thirsty for wine:

    4. Tropical paradise thirsty guy:

    5. So-thirsty-he's-gotta-drink-now guy:

    6. Work in the morning thirsty boy:

    7. Thirsty-after-a-burger boy:

    8. So thirsty he'll drink a non-diet soda:

    9. He's drinking milk or orange juice but who cares:

    10. So thirsty he's gotta pour the water all over his damn body:

    11. Polka-dot mug thirsty:

    12. Ennui-infused-water thirsty:

    13. Hungover-thirsty:

    14. Thirsty and political:

    15. So thirsty he's IN the water:

    16. Pushing-random-energy-drink thirsty:

    17. Sad thirsty boy:

    18. A very thirsty Canadian:

    19. Two thirsty boys:

    20. Thirsty can guy:

    21. Thirsty underwater boy:

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