12 Christmas Presents For Someone That You'll Never Ever EVER Bone

    For friends who are close enough to give each other presents but not close enough to kiss.

    1. McDonald's Gift Card - $$$

    2. Poo-Pourri Pre-poop Spray - $9.99

    3. 3-Piece BFF Necklace - $8.99

    4. Mouse Taxidermy Kit - $37

    5. J Crew Socks - $28

    6. Sitz Bath - $5.99

    7. Sorry! Board Game - $7.99

    8. Lottery Ticket - $$$

    9. "The Executioner" Mosquito Swatter - $19.99

    10. A Donation To Charity In Their Name - $$$

    11. BFF Mixtape - $2

    12. Vitamin D Tablets - $7.59