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    35 Years Alone And In Pain. Let's Help Stop Mali's Suffering

    Over 35 years have passed in which Mali the elephant has been living in a concrete pit, in pain by herself. Let's change a life today.

    Mali the elephant has been seen pacing back and forth in her small enclosure for hours on end, according to PETA Asia, and lifting her front left foot due to the pain associated with putting weight on it. According to a PETA Asia petition for her retirement, "an independent veterinarian from the U.S. (there are no veterinarians with expertise in caring for elephants in the Philippines) has determined that Mali is in constant pain, but the zoo is not providing any treatment for her ailments".

    Conservationist and primatologist Jane Goodall has previously called for Mali's retirement to a sanctuary, saying:

    "The Manila Zoo has failed Mali. Not only is she suffering from isolation and captivity-induced foot problems, I've also learned that she has not even had basic blood work conducted in the three and a half decades that she's been at the zoo."

    Boon Lott's Elephant Sanctuary (BLES) in Thailand has already agreed to accept Mali where she can retire with room to roam, fresh vegetation to eat, ponds to bathe in and most importantly of all, the company of other elephants. But despite the fact that PETA has offered to cover the entire cost of the transfer, authorities are stalling PETA's efforts to move Mali to a sanctuary.

    They need your help.

    Sign the petition and help PETA reach 150,000 signatures, the sooner the better, to help save the life of a desperately lonely elephant in constant pain.

    You can change a life today.