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    Once An Eagle, Always An Eagle: 20 Signs That You Went To American University

    American University may be known as the "Most Politically Active" campus in the country, but there's way more to it than that. Let's take a little trip down memory lane...

    1. You meet someone Freshman year, and you're like...

    2. And then a month later, you pass each other on the quad and...

    3. But who cares about that biddy!? IT'S WELCOME WEEK!

    4. Uh oh... Ambulance in the LA Quad...

    5. It’s the first week of classes! Can’t wait to........... WHAT? I HAVE AN 8:30 ON A WEDNESDAY?

    6. Oh great! Mr. “I have an opposing opinion about everything and will make it known” is sitting next to you!

    7. Even an 8:30 with a know-it-all can’t ruin your Wednesday. Why? Mac and Cheese in TDR, DUH.

    8. And let's not forget how your heart filled with complete and utter joy at the sound of “TENDERS!”

    9. Or the sight of your girl Sonya in the Eagles Nest...

    10. And walking out onto the quad on the first day of spring!

    11. Having heated debates about politics was a totally normal party activity.

    12. And there was no shortage of the phrase “When I studied abroad in...”

    13. Your weeknights were pretty booked up with Tuesdays at the Crab, Thursdays at Clydes, and of course...SUPERMUGS!

    14. Chemical weapons under campus?

    15. Sports?

    16. Dog Park?

    17. Dry Campus?

    18. Attractive, single, straight?

    19. Eagle Bucks?

    You might be feeling like...

    20. BUT FEAR NOT, FELLOW EAGLE! You're just one Phone-a-thon call away.