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    10 Ways To Beat Post-Travel Blues

    You’ve been on the most incredible travelling trip and whilst yes, you are exceptionally excited to return home to those that you love; you can’t shake this feeling of discombobulation, this dulling feeling that something is missing. People probably won’t have a lot of sympathy for you; as far as they’re concerned, you’ve been living the high life, laughing and catching the sun while they have been mundanely plodding in circles of repetitive tasks and daily chores. So how do you settle back into what appears to be a world of grey in comparison to the colourfully vivid travelling world you’ve left behind? Here are 10 tips!

    1. Make Art

    2. Be a tourist in your own town

    3. Take shorter trips closer to home

    4. Immediately start saving

    5. Cry if you need to

    6. Switch straight back to your current time-zone

    7. Take up a hobby

    8. Unpack

    9. Read about it

    10. Find a job that involves travel in some capacity

    It's completely natural to feel blue sometimes, even after returning from an incredible holiday! But instead of wallowing in self-pity and despair, channel that energy and start planning for your next adventure. You can volunteer all around the world & even get paid for it!

    By Rebecca MacDonald-Taylor