Here's What Happens When A Bond Girl Gives Love Advice

    The former Bond Girl and Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman star stopped by our L.A. office to give BuzzFeed employees the love advice they desperately needed.

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is pop culture ICON Jane Seymour.

    She's played a Bond Girl, starred in the TV version of East of Eden, headlined the TV show Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, won an Emmy and two Golden Globes, and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. You might ALSO know her as the cougar from Wedding Crashers.

    But when Jane visited the BuzzFeed L.A. offices a few weeks ago, she would take on a role she's never played before (but seems well-suited to, considering her acting history)...LOVE DOCTOR.

    Here's how she did...

    The first patient's problem was...

    Kirsten isn't very good at first dates. Like, she's BAD at them.

    Luckily, Dr. Seymour had some pretty sage advice.

    And her final prescription for Kirsten seems spot-on, right?

    Our second patient's problem was...

    Or rather, her boyfriend's snoring. Luckily, Dr. Seymour was having NONE of it.

    Her final prescription for Kristin was pretty on point:

    Our third patient's problem was...

    Javi has met a pretty awesome chick, but there's a catch. Luckily, Dr. Seymour's expertise in the field paid off.

    In fact, Dr. Seymour may have helped Javi realize that he's landed a catch!

    And our final patient's problem was...

    Ira said romance and travel tend to go hand-in-hand...

    Unsurprisingly, Dr. Seymour had the perfect cure. But Ira decided he needed some more help, and asked the 007 star how he could find his own secret agent.

    Alas, it's probably not meant to be. Oh well!

    Thanks for your incredible love advice, Dr. Seymour!

    And be sure to check out Jane's Open Hearts jewelry collection!