• Valentine's Day badge

These Otters Celebrating Valentine's Day Will Make Your Heart Smile

The staff at the Georgia Aquarium set up an adorable treat for some adorable otters. Or shall we say, awww-ters.

First, the treat specialists prepared some of the delicacies of the day.

As you can see, it was a ton of work that wasn't fun at all.

Very serious jobs.

Then, the otters discovered their carefully handcrafted treasure trove.

"For me?!"

"Thank goodness Valentine's Day is a no-judgment-zone..."

"...because I'll just... be over here... for a minute or two."

"Your hard work is much appreciated, team!"

"I guess sharing is caring. Everyone is welcome to this party!"

"Even these teensy flowers are amazing!"

"No, no, let me wish you a happy Valentine's Day!"

"It almost feels wrong to eat such a sweet message, but I'm sure I'll get over it soon."

"I've never been anyone's valentine before, this is such an honor! Best Valentine's Day ever!"