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Corgnelius Got A New Brother Named Stumphrey And He's Adorable

These two corgis are inseparable, lovable, adorable, and the cutest things ever.

Corgnelius turned 1 on May 18!

He had a very big announcement...

One week later, Stumphrey joined the family!

He's a Jedi Master of adorableness already.

Don't you worry about any jealousy between these two!

You can't tear them apart!

See? They even share meals together!

Stumphrey, or Stump Stump, was born on March 15.

Corgnelius' fans loved him instantly.

He's so cute, you could just eat him up.

Here is the infamous and elusive "Stumposaurus."

He may not be a "born model" like his big brother, but he's a pretty fast learner so far.

Welcome to the family, Stumphrey!

Now take a well-deserved nap. Being that cute must be super tiring.