The Definitive Ranking Of All 33 Breaking Bad Characters

    Big, big spoilers ahead. You have been warned.

    This list didn't come easy. Anyone who's seen even a minute of Breaking Bad will know how mind-bendingly awesome it is, but a good show is only as good as its characters. And there are loads of great characters in Breaking Bad.

    So – what criteria have I actually used to rank them? Good question. I'm not even sure I know, but if pressed I'd say it's the ones that made the biggest impact – not always the ones I liked the most, but the ones that have stayed with me – that have come out on top.

    Oh, and two more quick things before we get started:

    1. There are some minor characters who don't make this list (these tend to be the functional ones that don't really have much depth or definable character). So if you're reading this and you're that ginger bloke who played the character that works for Saul whose name I can't remember... sorry.

    2. There are horrible, horrible spoilers everywhere from now on. If you haven't seen every episode of Breaking Bad, stop reading this now. And get on Netflix.

    33. Jack Welker

    32. Todd

    31. Bogdan Wolynetz

    30. Lydia Rodarte-Quayle

    29. Krazy 8

    28. Elliott Schwartz

    27. Gretchen Schwartz

    26. Peter Schuler

    25. Ted Beneke

    24. Tyrus Kitt

    23. Don Eladio

    22. Victor

    21. Skinny Pete

    20. Andrea Cantillo

    19. Brock Cantillo

    18. Jane Margolis

    17. Gale Boetticher

    16. Badger

    15. Steven Gomez

    14. Marco Salamanca

    13. Leonel Salamanca

    12. Hector Salamanca

    11. Huell

    10. Marie Schrader

    9. Tuco Salamanca

    8. Walter White, Jr.

    7. Skyler White

    6. Gus Fring

    5. Mike Ehrmantraut

    4. Saul Goodman

    3. Hank Schrader

    2. Walter White

    1. Jesse Pinkman