33 Things You'll Miss When You Leave San Francisco

    You're leaving more than just your heart in San Francisco

    1. The love that goes into every cup

    2. Painting the town red...orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple

    3. Amazing inhabitants of the amazing city

    4. The not so terrible trails

    5. The alleys of art

    6. Rowdy afternoons in Dolores Park

    7. Quiet afternoons in Golden Gate Park

    8. Perfectly imperfect weather

    9. The smell of freshly cut grass

    10. Deeply rooted heritage

    11. Nearby city escapes

    12. Mandetory brunching

    13. Bridges for days

    14. Romantic strolls

    15. Resting assured that everything is Instagram worthy

    16. History that lies around every corner

    17. Having multiple favorite taquerias

    18. The city that is a playground

    19. Never having to chase a food truck

    20. Knowing you always have a ride

    21. Always having something to do

    22. Discovering new heights

    23. Every part of the city shines

    24. You've even come to love Karl the Fog

    25. Fusion everything

    26. Undying loyalty

    27. The love in the air

    28. A palace to call your own

    29. Taking the road less traveled

    30. Every neighborhood is more fabulous than the last

    31. Picnic spots with a perfect view

    32. Despite how small San Francisco may feel at times...

    33. You can always find new secret havens