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What's Your Secret To Spending Time Alone And Actually Loving It?

Tell us your best tips for making the most of your "me" time.

People are awesome. But they're also kind of everywhere all the time.

And sometimes you want a break.

At the same time, being alone can sometimes be boring.

Or maybe even unsettling when you realize it's just you and your thoughts.

But some people have mastered hanging out solo.

Maybe you have a certain thing that's so much better when you do it solo. Like stargazing.

Or you use your alone time to do something creative or learn something new.

Or to just get lost in a book.

Tell us: How do you make the most of your alone time?

Whether you've discovered the best solo activities ever, how to do things you usually do with people all by yourself and still enjoy it, or have mastered keeping your own company and really loving it, we want to know all about it.

Let us know in the comments below and your response may be featured in a future BuzzFeed post.