Here's How The BBC Accidentally Started A Unibrow Selfie Trend On Twitter

    God bless the internet.

    Earlier today, BBC Hindi asked readers to submit original photos in celebration of World Photography Day.

    YOUR PICS: क्या आपने खींची अपने कैमरे/मोबाइल से कोई तस्वीर worldphotographyday पर. भेजिए हमें वो तस्वीरें.

    They got some really good entries... for the most part.

    My #Kathgodam #WorldPhotographyDay @BBCHindi

    One user didn't quite get the submission rules, though.

    The BBC, being polite as they always are, tried to clarify things for him.

    So he sent in another entry, but he still didn't quite get it.

    Unfortunately for them, stand-up comedian Utsav Chakraborty noticed the hilarious exchange and decided to troll them a little.

    And one tweet is all it took for Twitter users to hijack a perfectly normal photography thread and turn it into something even more amazing.

    @Shockraborty @BBCHindi fuck the police

    Photoshop and MS Paint helped a bunch of guys become eligible for the thread.

    @BucketheadCase contributing. #YesAllUnibrows @Shockraborty @BBCHindi

    The women weren't far behind either.

    @schmmuck @BucketheadCase @Shockraborty @BBCHindi areyoumadbro

    This dude used Photoshop a little more creatively.

    This guy was eligible without any help from Photoshop.

    @BucketheadCase @Shockraborty @BBCHindi NO NEED TO MS PAINT

    Same here.

    @oothikicha @BucketheadCase @Shockraborty @BBCHindi y'all got nothing on me.

    This user went for the most famous of all unibrows.

    And this guy turned to Bollywood.

    @Shockraborty @GhantaGuy @BucketheadCase @BBCHindi @HoeZaay

    As with most trends these days, Minions became involved.

    No Photoshop, no problem.

    @Shockraborty @BBCHindi didn't like the pic much but decided to @Postit anyway.

    How could Batman stay away from the action?

    Even parody accounts got in on it.

    This guy went a little overboard with the paintjob.

    And this guy called it.

    Here’s my pop-culture contribution to the “No selfies” thread, @BBCHindi. I can smell a BuzzFeed piece coming on.

    Well played, Twitter.

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