Uday Chopra Proved, Yet Again, That He's A Pro At Shutting Down His Twitter Trolls


    Uday Chopra has been known to have one of Bollywood's more entertaining Twitter accounts.

    His self-deprecating humour has earned him a number of fans online.

    There was a time when @SunnyLeone used to follow me…I miss those days 😜😝😛

    Of course, he also has his fair share of trolls.

    Like this one guy last night, who tried to make fun of the actor's recent lack of films.

    To which Chopra had just the perfect response.

    This isn't the first time Chopra's shut down one of his haters.

    He has a proven track record of completely owning all the trollage thrown at him.

    You tell 'em, Uday.

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