This Muslim Professor Is Offering To Treat People To A Pork Meal To Stand Up Against Intolerance

    "When political narratives are so vitiated, doing normal, simple, friendly things become effective modes of protest."

    Since September 28, when a mob near New Delhi lynched a man accused of possessing beef, Indian media and citizens have been debating citizens' rights to eat meats considered sacred.

    Ashley Np, a Muslim professor at St. Stephen's College in Delhi University, wanted to take a stand against the multiple such incidents of religious intolerance being seen recently.

    On October 5, he wrote a Facebook post in which he offered to treat five people to any pork dish of their choice, in an effort to demonstrate how everyone should be tolerant of others' religious beliefs and choices.


    "I don't eat pork for religious, cultural and personal reasons. But I believe those who like to eat pork, should be allowed to eat pork and none should be forced to have pork. I have decided to offer to take 5 people who like to eat pork from Delhi out for lunch and order them their favourite pork dish," Ashley wrote.

    The post received overwhelmingly positive responses, with over 1200 likes and 200 shares.

    "I guess the reason it has caught on is that it rejects a frame that makes a certain food item shortform for a religious narrative," he added.

    Almost 50 people have already responded to the offer, with 15 from New Delhi. Ashley is busy figuring out the logistics now.

    All the best, sir.

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