These Safe For Work Porn GIFs Are Your New Favorite Weird Internet Thing

    These actors deserve every Oscar.

    Reddit's SFW Porn GIFs is literally a one-stop shop for perfect reaction GIFs.

    Like these that you could send to that special someone.

    Or maybe these for when you've just had it up to here with your coworkers.

    Talk about Mondays, am I right?

    Here's a few good ones for when you're eating, like this woman eating a, uh, corn dog?

    And whatever she has in her mouth.

    For when you wake up and there's no milk left for your cereal.

    Tough to argue with her on this one!

    Looking for the perfect GIF that says "I'm going to assault a little person dressed like a Christmas elf," here you go!

    Totally pumped up? You better believe there's a porn GIF for you.

    Here's a good one for when someone on your Facebook posts some straight nonsense.

    Seriously, SFW porn GIFs. They're basically perfect.