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Scaring Drive-Thru Workers By Pulling Up To The Window With A Skeleton Driving Your Car Is Hilarious

Freaking out people at the drive-thru will never not be funny.

This perfect Halloween prank was done by YouTube user Magic of Rahat, who has some experience when it comes to scaring the bejesus out of fast food workers.

View this video on YouTube


The best part, though, is the different ways the people deal with the idea of a skeleton driving a car. Like this woman who screams a very bad word.

Oh, also, the skeleton is on a pully so it can actually move.

This is her "that skeleton is moving" face.

These people did the reasonable thing when faced with a reanimated skeleton: Instagramed it.

This guy wasn't too impressed.

This lady was, though.

Happy Halloween, innocent Drive-thru workers of America!