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2012: A Retrospective In Animated GIFs

It's been said that 2012 was the year of the animated GIF, so let's see if we can sum up the whole year in GIFs.

Let's start with Gabrielle Giffords hugging President Obama.

Which takes us, of course, to the weird tightrope guy from Madonna's halftime show.

And lets not forget about "Toddlers and Tiaras"!

And the whole country went...

And we have to talk about Jeremy Lin, remember him?

OK, cute break.

Instagram got bought by Facebook.

And everyone who already had it was like...

"Mad Men" came back, thank goodness.

And sadly we said good-bye to Dick Clark.

Kate Upton turned 20, which was, uh, good...

But even more importantly, Pizza Hut made a cheeseburger pizza.

We lost Adam "MCA" Yauch.

Who never stopped fighting for our right to party.

Facebook rolled in the summer by going public, which was all anyone talked about for a month.

That is, until Mitt Romney decided to play Jenga.

The animated GIF file format turned 25.

Aaron Sorkin's "The Newsroom" came out and everyone had an opinion about it.

And Americans got to know One Direction a little more intimately...

The London Summer Olympics had everyone excited.

And we all fell in love with Hillary's sweet dance moves.

Not to mention Jennifer Lawrence's amazing facial expressions.

Frank Ocean came out as bisexual...

And killed it on Jimmy Fallon.

We also got to meet cool NASA mohawk dude.

And everybody was like...

Phew, that was a big summer! Cute break.

OK, so we have to talk about Herman Cain.

And the national conventions.

Turns out we weren't done with baby pageant queens because here comes Honey Boo Boo!

And her amazing mother.

Oh, don't forget Rihanna and Katy Perry did weird handstuff at the VMAs.

Alright, now let's take a second and watch Felix Baumgartner jump 24 miles to Earth.

Not as record-breaking, but just as important: Bone Pugz N Harmony.

Oh man, we haven't even gotten to the debates yet!

Psy, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Gotye all had massive songs this year.

And when you first heard them you were like...

And then you were like...

And that brings us, of course, to the presidential debates.

Anyone else completely exhausted?

The week after though, the East Coast was hit by Superstorm Sandy.

Manhattan went dark.

And New Jersey Governor Chris Christie became an American hero.

No more, please, no more!

And since Thanksgiving, everyone's just been chilling out.

Because it has been one long year.

And hopefully things will be pretty calm until New Year's. Right?

See you next year, everyone!