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11% Of Americans Think HTML Is A Sexually Transmitted Disease

Apparently, Americans aren't as comfortable with technology as you'd think...

According to a new study from Vouchercloud.net on Americans' familarity with tech terms, 11% of Americans believe coding language HTML is actually a sexually transmitted disease.

There were other tech definitions that subjects weren't familiar with, including 20% saying they believed a "motherboard" was "the deck of a cruise ship."

Twenty-three percent thought an "MP3" was actually a robot from Star Wars.

Eighteen percent believed that "Blu-ray" was some kind of marine animal.

Fifteen percent said "software" was a comfortable type of clothing.

Twelve percent said "USB" was an acronym for a European country.

And 27% of people surveyed thought a "gigabyte" was a South American insect.

The study involved 2,392 men and women, all of whom were 18 years of age or older. And 61% of respondents said a good knowledge of technology was important.

Update: Some have called into question the validity of this study. You can read a copy of the press release here. BuzzFeed has reached out to Vouchercloud's team for further clarification on how the survey was conducted.