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    What Is Color?????

    Whether you're white/gold or blue/black you've all seen the dress by now. But some of us see the dress both ways at different times and it makes you question everything. Like, what is color? What am I looking at?

    Is it cloudy today?

    Did Santa bring me gold?

    Are my teeth really white?

    Did I spend too much on that gift?

    This is not the Michigan logo, right?

    What if there are other colors I can't tell the difference on?

    Beyond the possibility I can't differentiate between white/blue and black/gold what other colors are wrong?

    Do I need to water my lawn?

    Are the burgers done?

    Just some Hufflepuffs here. Nothing to worry about.

    Here comes help.

    The dress has ruined everything I know about color. I'm just lost. Someone help!