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Tina Fey Gives Letterman The Best Gift Ever

And vows to never wear an uncomfortable dress again!

Tina Fey appeared on The Late Show to bid farewell to David Letterman on his last season. She's been on the show 20 times ("Because I live nearby and people cancel a lot").

And she looks incredible every time.

But it occurred to her that after Letterman's retirement, she'll never have to wear a fancy dress on a talk show ever again. They're so uncomfortable!

She only dresses that way ("conforming to gender norms") out of respect for the host, so as a parting gift, Fey decided to give him the dress on her back.

"Never again!" she proclaimed.


Letterman was speechless.

But there's only way to react to such a thoughtful gift from a comedy genius: a hug.

Watch the whole clip here:

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