Men's Rights Activists Are Leaving Anti-Feminism Notes In "Everyday Sexism" Books

    "Say no to feminism. Women lie about rape."

    Members of the "Men's Rights Initiative" are targeting their anger at feminist books by leaving hateful notes inside of Everyday Sexism books in bookstores.

    The founder of Everyday Sexism, Laura Bates, discovered the notes after several readers tweeted photos to the @EverydaySexism Twitter account.

    Laura Bates jokingly told BuzzFeed: "When I first saw these notes, I felt terrified that their astute arguments, catchy type face and tight logic might sway the reader more than the statistics, facts and analysis inside the 384 page book."

    She added: "I guess all I can do now is wait to see who the readers ultimately agree with. "The Everyday Sexism book is available to buy today.