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    17 Cartoons That All Twentysomethings Will Be Able To Relate To

    Dear all young people who haven't figured your lives out yet: Sarah Andersen understands you perfectly.

    Cartoonist and illustrator Sarah Andersen perfectly captured the joys and pitfalls of being a young twentysomething in these black-and-white drawings.

    Brooklyn-based Anderson says that although her comics are about herself, she tries to capture universal experiences. She told BuzzFeed News: "I like to believe that a lot of people relate to my character because many people go through the same things."

    Have a look below at her witty cartoons below to see how they perfectly capture:

    1. What we do every day on social media...

    2. ...and how we feel when someone tags us in a photo on Facebook.

    3. What we do if an attractive person approaches us...

    4. ...the scarily good Facebook-stalking we do if we meet up with those people...

    5. ...and what we end up doing on Valentine's Day.

    6. What runs through our mind when we're at school...

    7. ...and how we react when we bump into those people later on in life.

    8. How our thinking about friends has changed over time...

    9. ...and how we'll never make new friends.

    10. How we become more and more socially reclusive...

    11. ...and how what we "should" be doing is a distant dream.

    12. How we haven't quite figured out...

    13. to be a functioning adult.

    14. How we feel about the future...

    15. ...and the lies we tell people.

    16. How we can change our opinions on having children in a matter of seconds...

    17. ...but also, if we ever have them, what we'll one day be saying to our descendants.