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    8 Weird And Entertaining Cosmetic Surgeries

    Some latest weird and entertaining cosmetic surgeries.

    8 Weird and Entertaining Cosmetic Surgeries

    If you think that there'll never be anything that can shock you today as to the bizarreness of things, then you may be disappointed. It still is occurring and it is under the eye of the cosmetic surgery field, one which advocates beauty all over the world.

    This article is mostly dedicated on topics that might aghast you, shock you and make you raise your eyebrows. Some are simple some are too the extreme. Now, will you be trying any of these below?

    Some Weird Cosmetic Surgeries

    1. 1. Dimpleplasty

      It is not really unusual but dimples are anomaly that may occur at birth. So trying to have a dimple through a cosmetic surgery might be wishing for that abnormally short facial muscle. Okay, so some may perceive it cute so you can be stitched and operated on. It would take your $2000 the least for a couple of indention in your cheek.

    2. 2. Ear Pointing Surgery

      This elfin procedure may be bizarre but it has quite of a follower all over the world. It may be due to the influence of famous movies such as Lord of the rings and all other elfin inspired movies. The procedure involves the removal of the ears top tissue and then suturing it back to create a point. Now you get the point.

    3. 3. High Def. Liposculpture

      You can be gone in 10 days and come back with six pack abs. and that isn't due to a rigorous training for 10 days, that's after healing from the high definition liposculpture. It's a bit weird but understandable. What isn't that acceptable though is its hefty price tag which may charge you as high as $20,000.

    4. 4. Ear Lifts

      You may hear of the brow lift, facelift or bodlyift but never of ear lifts right? It's as literal as it sounds. When your ear sags due to aging, you may get this operation.

    5. 5. Feet derma fillers

      This procedure aims to plump up your feet specifically the toe pad, the heels and the balls. Er, for what? You could have bought decent shoes for the $1000 you will be spending for it, or maybe a good foot spa will do.

    6. 6. Cosmetic toe surgery

      What would you want to do with your toe? Nothing except to a surgery may take them to wear the best pair of stilettos. So it's either adding your toe size and length or removing some of it. Paint it. But for some, their toe size and length may not be that acceptable. It was such a pain today that many suffer from toe obesity, so thanks for these solutions. Really?

    7. 7. The joker smile

      Yes, many South Koreans are trying that permanent smile today. Would you want one?

    8. 8. Forked tongue

      Wanted to become a snake? Dreams of being a snake? This surgical procedure might be the best for you.

    These are just the operations here. You would have been shocked to know that there are even more bizarre people requesting for weirder procedures. And that's for the next article!