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    14 Fantastic Ways To Incorporate "Something Old" Into Your Wedding

    Besides inviting your great aunt Lisa.

    1. If your mother kept her bouquet, take a small flower from it and have it set in resin to wear as a necklace, bracelet, or pin on the big day.

    2. Spritz yourself with an iconic scent.

    3. Make a custom "old, borrowed, new, and blue" charm-pin to wear on your dress.

    4. Attach your parents' and grandparents' wedding rings to your bouquet for the ceremony.

    5. Get an antique topper for your wedding cake.

    6. Wrap your bouquet with fabric from an old dress.

    7. Put photos of loved ones you've lost in a locket and then wrap it around the bouquet.

    8. If you have a loved one in the military or police force, sew an old badge of theirs inside your dress.

    9. Have the sweetheart table set with family wedding china.

    10. Put a six pence in your shoe.

    11. Tuck an antique hair pin into your updo.

    12. Cut a piece of fabric from your father's favorite shirt or tie (with his permission, of course) and sew it into the lining of your dress.

    13. Allow guests to capture moments the old fashioned way — with Polaroids.

    14. Book a classic car for your departure...